Saturday, April 6, 2013

Verdict on Early Planting Strategy

...still not sure.  While I'm not recommending that all gardeners get a huge head start on their Spring planting, I'm still unsure if my strategy for scheduling reasons, is a good one.  Still waiting to see if there are any downsides.

FINALLY, after very little rain, outdoor water supplies not yet turned on, and a cold early Spring, we have some germination.  Not to discount all the normal "Spring activity" like garlic, tulips, daffodils, etc, but now we have some arugula sprouts, direct sown before Spring Break, two weeks ago.  Very slow, but there is a sign of life from our Spring planting!

I'm expecting radishes, turnips, spinach, kale, collards, peas, fava beans, etc. to follow suit very soon.  Tardiness is okay, but zero or low rates of germination will be taken note of, and planting those crops will be delayed a few weeks next year.  I still have faith in look for an update...hopefully sooner than later.

My belief is that the main issue here is lack-of-water, not heat.  

Note the poorly sifted compost on the soil.  It doesn't seem to hurt directly sown seeds.

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